Newbie to the Blogging World - Warm welcome or not?

NEWBIE WARNING - This is a very light-hearted read merely for entertainment and introductory purposes.

blog typing
The mandatory typing picture

Are you even a blogger if you don't have a blog with this title? I don't know about you, but I'm immensely excited as well as terribly tensed about new beginnings. This is going to be a little emotional pour out of my first ever blog post. You don't necessarily have to buckle up this time because, I want to keep it simple. 


Before you ask me why I'm starting a blog, let me just slap you with the answer, because - "Why not?" My answer has flaws, just like me! So resonating! Well, seriously, I don't really know why I did, what I did. I like to write and people have complimented my writing, few people have even told me that I could make a career out of it! Ahaa, okay then, there you go! My first blog and my first post!


Fork - Up or down?

I don't know how this blog will end up. In my knowledge, there are two possibilities - it'll either get buried under the many relevant blogs with good SEO work - which I definitely wouldn't want - or it'll be a big hit! - which is a very exaggerated thought, of course.  What I'd like is a minimal reach because, I get to flex that I wasn't so bad. πŸ˜‹ But I'm happy whatsoever the result, mostly because I put effort into starting something. Maybe trivial for you, but knowing myself, it's a milestone! 


Hows and what nexts?

This is a very informal blog post about my new beginnings. I'm not quite sure as to what to write next or what my blogs are going to be about. Stay along if my content interests you. I want to improve my vocabulary as well as hone my creativity. Actually, I recently read a post in LinkedIn about how a metallurgy student from IIT , even though naturally an artist, couldn't nurture her soft skills because of the stereotypical "soft skills" can't win you "bread and butter" assumptions. I'm not denying its influence on me; It was a much needed motivation for a start.



I'll tell you a little bit about myself - I hope to tell you a lot more in the future- I'm a recent Bachelor's graduate of the software field. Graduating in, what the world terms as the most unluckiest year of the decade, had its own perks and drawbacks. I was always laidback up to an extent, but my confusion about my career and future has only mounted or should I say, surmounted? I'm currently doing an internship as a Mobile App Development Intern. I was enjoying in the beginning, but now I'm having second thoughts. I think it'd be for the best if I explore my potential? But I'm not quitting on anything that easily, so I'm currently planning on pursuing the internship and also carry on with the exploration part! 


Surprise, surprise!

Oh! Look at my post! Didn't even expect to write this much! Hope you were enjoying reading as much as I'm enjoying writing (typingπŸ™ˆ) it! I think it made a good enough opening post, huh? What do you think? Let me know your suggestions about what you'd like to read next and also your thoughts on the blog! Health is the real MVP - so stay fit enough to read my next post! Until then - see ya!✌😷


  1. U can write sensible stuffπŸ€ͺ

    1. Hahaha... Thank you for your time and feedback 😊

  2. Just loved the content,Just that part focusing on your inner WHY is super cool.As Simon Sinek told , Focusing on your WHY matters than focusing on your WHAT.Great blog

    1. Glad you liked it! Thank you for your valuable feedback 😊

  3. Replies
    1. I'm glad you enjoyed 😊 Stay around for more interesting content πŸ˜‰

  4. Replies
    1. Glad you liked it 😊 Stay in touch for more interesting content in the future 😊

  5. Since you want our suggestion and asked us to stay healthy..... Why don't you elaborate on that??πŸ˜‰

    1. Suggestions on the content is very crucial for maintaining the quality as well as a way to interact with my audience. Definitely want you to be healthy because I would love to entertain you with my content in the future 😊 Stay around for more interesting works πŸ˜‰

  6. Replies
    1. Glad you liked it 😊 Stay in touch for more interesting content in the future 😊

  7. Ambeii.. now that i know who u r. I'm reading it in ur voice, and everything sounds less sensible😢

    1. πŸ’―...We shud take that advantage since she can't be rude here😌

    2. You all can take advantage on more posts to come. Tag along!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you for commenting even though you didn't read. This is a fan moment for me!

  10. You are right.. the human race won't survive.

    1. Haha.. Stay optimistic is all I can say. This can probably be a probable topic for my next blog posts. Thankyou for your valuable feedback. Stay around for more interesting content

    2. I was honestly being optimistic when I said that.

  11. Nice work and well said..
    Happy for youπŸ‘πŸ‘❤️


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